We are the dedicated members of the MAC's Safe Ride Continued Board of Directors
dedicated to making Tupper Lake the best place it can be.
We have a true passion for safety.
If you want to find out what you can do to be a part of this fantastic movement,
please reach out by filling out the form below!
My name is Vivian Smith and I am a native of Tupper Lake, although I have lived other places, I chose to come home to raise my family. I am a single mother of two young men, both of who mean the world to me.
Like many my life has been touched in a negative way involving alcohol in one way or another, and if you have than I think you may find it easy to understand my passion for trying to make a difference. A very dear friend, Gisele Kress, founder of MAC’s Safe Ride, lost her son to an alcohol related driving accident and she now refers to her family as “One Less”. This is not a way I wish to ever describe my family because of a situation that may have been able to avoid.
After a very long three year battle that my family endured with my nephew’s fight with an extremely rare cancer, and feeling so helpless and not being able to make a difference no matter how much I tried, and long conversations with Gisele, the idea for MAC’s Safe Ride Continued was born, and how fitting because her son Matthew Girouard grew up here in Tupper Lake.
MAC’s Safe Ride Continued came together almost perfectly with the most diverse group of people that share my passion for MACS’ with their own individual reason, making our Board of Directors a successful team.